You see why I told you your humility and kindness is like no other. I'm not you, girlfriend and I don'twant to. I treat people the same way they deserve. It's that simple.
I suppose men like Tate should deserve my kindness too, right? 👇
It's not about hating men or seeing them as an enemy. I treat shitty people shitty and kind people kindly. Whether you are a man or woman. Period!
What's funny is that I don't the "you hate women" speech in my posts calling out women. And I have written plenty of those. But if it's about men, suddenly I now hate men.
Well, since I know honesty doesn't kill, I won't stop writing about the reality we face.
I won't pretend to be nice and humble just so I will be in someone's good graces. Men need to change their attitude towards women and if they won't, stop asking women to be nicer. Because being nice is what got us into sex slavery.
You know women have tried a lot in the compassion department for centuries, and where did that get us? More rapes, more beaten, and more mental trauma.
The little freedom we have now is because few courageous women fought back against men to defend women. And now you want us to lose those freedom again? Which is what will happen if we keep allowing men to do as they please with us.
So enough with educating women to stay humble and tolerate abuses. Enough with educating us to silence our pain. Enough with telling women to keep their voice down.
You know, why not use your goodness to educate our men. You can do it through your platform. Instead of being silent while women suffer more abuses from men, why not do something to stop it?
Women don't enjoy suffering. And we will gladly stop calling out men on their evils if they ACTUALLY stop tormenting us.