These are the messed up individuals that make me despise marriage so much. Marrying as an escape, marrying for convince, marrying for gratitude. Yet, they sing loudly about the ups and downs in marriage and when faced with that ups and downs they result to divorce. For pete sake don’t marry if you can’t handle anything less that happiness.
It seems our generation wants nothing short of happiness and romance in their the marriage so what’s the point of entering one. You are two separate individual inhabiting same space for the rest of your life, at some point you are bound to disagree and hurt each other. Aside threat of life and infidelity, there is no problem that can’t be resolved in a marriage. And I say infidelity because there are some who can’t tolerate being cheated on. Those ones feel betrayed which I perfectly understand.
I have also noticed that most times these spouses want to have external affairs but are too ashamed to admit it to one another. Then Non-monogamy should fix that. The high rate of divorce is getting on my skin. I’m done feeling sorry for these people.