Thank you, Purbita, for taking the time to read. We all have our experiences regarding motherhood. And like I said, a lot of what we think is right or wrong are ingrained ideologies of someone else.
From the way I see it, centuries ago, there were nothing like nursery homes. Old people were cared for by their children, especially their sons wives or daughters. With that, the idea of having a female child who will take care of you at old began as an expectation of women.
Even men in those days wanted a daughter who will take care of them at old age. They wanted sons to continue their lineage and a daughter to take care of them.
But the difference is that, we are in a new era and old people prefer going to retired homes and live among their age mates.
This is why we need more campaigns on social cultural changes to educate people on how to make better choices in life and not follow a script played out by eccentric ideologies.