My comment isn't personal. The "You" here is plural as "you men."
In any case, my comment about incels remains the same. No one owes anyone anything. The only person who can make you happy is you (again not personal). I'm sure you also believe that. So why aren't you sending the same message to your incel friends?
Incels act entitled and just like you said, they believe they deserve affection from everyone. The world doesn't owe us anything and if humans won't understand them, why bother to seek human validation about their pain?
As someone who self-healed her depression after attempting suicide 4x, I don’t believe any amount of affection can heal a broken spirit if they are not willing to take accountability for their actions in whatever they are going through.
Incels need to accept that no one is hating on them expect themselves. Then make an effort to socialize outside of their cave and see if they won't attract people with genuine interest in them.