Men's hatred for women isn't equivalent to women's hatred for men. But that doesn't make it right. We can't expect to eradicate misogyny by enforcing it ourselves
For what is worth, 21st-generation men are also victims of a generational misogynist doctrine. None of us chose our gender, yet, we were taught how to be, how to live, and how to speak from birth. Toxic masculinity is hurting men as much as it hurts women.
The problem is men act ignorant in the face of misogynism but women stand tall against gender injustice. Men are cowards and that is why they reinforce gender prejudices. If men are putting efforts to eradicate gender equality as women are, we wouldn't be here discussing misogyny and misandry.
As for you being a man-hater, I do not believe you are. It is easier for men to label any confrontation against them as misandry than admit their faults.