"Impossibility" is a word that doesn’t exist in my dictionary. For me everything is possible. How about those who grew their social account and became influencers? You may not be as wealthy as Kim and you may even be more weather than Kim if you set your mind on the right path, which is looking beyond your current situation.
I’m not going to reference myself or anyone but I believe our generation has a greater opportunity at our disposal than our grannies. I just don’t see the fuse around what Kim K said. A lot of successful people advise "hard work, determination and consistency" all the time and we don’t fuzz about it so why is Kim’s any different.
Unless we think she hasn’t earned her success, thereby she’s in no position to dish out success tips. You are working your butt off every single minute and one day opportunity is going to shine your way.
But some people do nothing, (no jobs, no contracts) they sit on their couches, drinking, criticising and blaming the rich and the government for their laziness. I live with such people, I have acquaintances like that.
So Kim isn’t addressing the people who work to earn a living but rather the ones who don’t. The media likes to capitalize on celebrities and blow their statements out of proportion. That’s why I’m not surprised by the attraction Kim’s statement is getting.