I really feel sorry for you. Your mum is such a disappointment. I also grew up in a Catholic home, but my mum is very understanding when it comes to certain situations.
When I got pregnant at 19, I wanted to abort the baby but my mum kicked against it. She vehemently threatened my daughter’s dad if anything happened to me, she would hold him responsible. My pregnancy coincided with my accident. So I grew a fetus in a wheelchair. My life had taken a different turn so keeping the baby wasn’t my option.
Today, my daughter is 18. And I owe that to my mum. It’s so sad you didn’t get the support you needed. Christians are hypocritical. That’s why I stopped living by their doctrine. I’m still a Christian but I like to refer to myself as a “believer.” After the shame I endured from my Christian community, I lost faith in what they represent.
No one deserves to be shamed or chastised for their sexuality. And women should never tolerate anyone who doesn’t support their body autonomy.
Religion or not, women deserve the right to govern their bodies. As far as I’m concerned the abortion ban holds no ground. And I will not be bounded by men who know nothing about women’s bodies.