I also find it disturbing that guys think we owe them a ‘yes' whenever they pop a question. I don’t negotiate my body.
If I want you, I tell you and if you are ready to have me, good. If I don’t want you, but you do and I’m not in the mood to have you, I won’t give in. Of course, exceptions can be made, but it doesn’t have to compromise my peace of mind.
That’s I why I choose to stay away from committed relationships. I feel it demands a lot from you even when you don’t want to.
But hey, we grew up wiser because of our previous experiences. If I’m tough today, it’s because I learned to heal by myself, so being selfish or tough is part of my growth.
There are relationships I feel I was weak in. Dealing with a narcissist is one of them but when I see them as my growth, I feel proud.