he a superstar or something? Just wondering how he happened to be popular in the group.
I read a post defending toxic feminist earlier and I as read yours, I'm wondering if women who defend toxic women actually know what they are talking about. Or are the the toxic ones masking themselves?
What I hate about social media is that they allow free speech to harm people. They should delete any account that threatens the safety of others. We shouldn't be allowed to be entitled at the detriment of other people.
I have no doubt some men have fallen victims of these sick women. Like seriously, its low what the women in these stories did. They are crazy. And one good man will end up with them.
What's annoying is that some women can post images of dudes they never dated just to ruin them. I imagine men getting attacked for something they did not do and have no idea why it happened. Jeez!
It's bad we are dealing with incels. Now their version of females have appeared. Guys be warned! Before you go crushing on any woman be sure you get to know her well.
Maybe this will end the era of online dating. Thinking of which..I'm heading to delete my accounts on dating sites. I haven’t used them for years but with what I've read, deleting it will be better before I find myself in trouble. 😄