Curmudgeon, if lonely men are not expressing their loneliness, how da hell is that anyone's fault?
If you are lonely go play at the park, visit sick people, visit retired homes, you can travel, fill your life your fun activities. Make videos like lonely women do.
Stop acting entitled and expect women to fill that void. If society has conditioned you to die in silent it's up to you to break that circle of trauma. Women do it everyday. I don't feel sorry for men who think they are entitled to women.
Do you know what we women go through everyday? And you still expect us to bear a weak man's burden. If you can't stand up for yourself then you are weak and that is a heavy weight for women to carry.
I have been friends with lonely men and I can tell they whine like babies and think I owe them comfort even if it's just a hug.
And lets not forget about teens who get raped by aged lonely men simply because the girls felt empathetic and helps them with their errands. If you are lonely that is your problem to deal with not women.