Bunnyb, you made some interesting points here. You say monogamy is dictated by nature. I beg to defer. Monogamy is man constructed. Men created monogamous style of marriage to protect their lineage.
I would like to tell you the history of women's sexuality and how it's linked to Monogamy but I will make it short.
Centuries ago, men discovered that women had higher libido. They found that a woman can have sex with 2 or more men before getting tired. But men lasted minutes and to only one woman at a time. So they started circumcizing women to reduce the number of men they sleep with. Men in those days felt disadvantaged by their biological genes.
However, the side effect to female circumcision was that women were experiencing severe pain during sex because their clitoris was to small to fit the average penis. And also other health problems were discovered. This led to an end in female circumcision.
Since men couldn't have women sleeping with more men than they with more women, monogamy was introduced. In other words, monogamy restricted women from sleeping with only one partner. Yet, men were still allowed to have concubines and mistresses.
So you see, monogamy is a construct of man not biology. And the fact that women have become more independent, we no longer want to be used as baby making industry.
Monogamy is of an advantage to men than women because they get to keep their women loyal by obligation and also get their family lineage growing.
As for argument about children raised by single women to be abnormal. That’s absurd. I'm a single mother to a 19-year old girl. Her father was never physically present, yet I managed to raise my daughter alone and she is very responsible.
I think men say these silly things about children raised by single mothers to scare women from chosing a path that doesn't involve a man.
Why is no one criticising single fathers? Instead, we praise single father, and criticise the children's mother for being wicked and abandoning her children.
The prejudices against single mothers won't stop women from saying no to good riddance. Women are sick and tired of being slaves in our relationships. And the better men change their attitude towards women's right and freedom, the better for everyone.