Bengalurean you are very intelligent. Sarah needs to get her priorities straight. If your love for your boyfriend is more important then stick with him and wait till he's ready to have a family with you, that's if he will with you. And if it's the child that's more important then go for a boyfriend or donor who will give you his sperm.
Too much attachment is the problem I see here. You must bear in mind that raising a child is no joke. So you have to get your mental and physical body ready. From the sound of your post you are wondering in a desperate zone, which means you are not full committed to raise another human being. I guess that's why you are looking for a man to fall on.
Before you get pregnant make sure you are emotionally ready to raise this child by yourself. Be committed to fully invest in the responsibility that comes with babies because its not a day job. It will take years and different cycles of maturity. Don't expect a donor to take these responsibilities unless he going to be in the child's life.
Most men won't agree to be donors because some women use it as an excuse to trap them to responsibilities they didn't prepare for. So be clear on your terms. A donor is different from a father.