5 Toxic Female Behaviors in Relationships That Go Unnoticed

Toxic women destroy good men and thoroughly screw up their kids as well.

Jessey Anthony
5 min readMay 18, 2022
5 Signs of a Toxic Woman
Photo by Wayhomestudio from Freepik

What really pisses me off in women is the double standard we have in accountability. We all hold men accountable for what they do, but when it comes to women, we don’t hold ourselves accountable for how our actions have damaged some men.

Honestly, I blame some women for the way men are because they have completely messed up some men’s perceptions of love and trust.

When he meets a good woman, he can’t fully appreciate her because he has built walls to shut every woman out in his head. He sabotages his relationship with a good woman just to avoid getting hurt again.

We have a general misconception when they think of toxic abusive women. We imagine the woman overpowering a weak, cowardly man and smirk at the idea.

The truth is most of the time, the woman can be physically or emotionally abusive. She may try to hit him with a glass, a plate, or an iron in a physically abusive relationship. If it’s emotional abuse, she could use passive aggression or manipulation to mess him up.

Toxic abuses are not easily spotted. They can be subtle and continue for years or even decades unnoticed.



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z